Megan Lyon, MA (she/her) is a Counselor, Certified Spiritual Director, Certified Mindfulness Teacher, SoulCollage® Facilitator and a Veriditas-trained Labyrinth Facilitator. Megan created Inner Path, a spiritual direction and wellness practice, opened in 2015 and offers individual spiritual direction, retreats, workshops, trainings. and other opportunities to commune with the Holy and tap into our most true and wise selves. She is a graduate of the Haden Institute’s Spiritual Direction Training Program, has been a mentor for two cohorts and continues to serve on the faculty. Megan teaches mindfulness for spiritual directors, creating a spiritual direction/dream work practice, building community to support that practice and expanding your reach, and protecting your energetic boundaries for doing this work, along with facilitating labyrinth dances whenever possible. Much of what is taught and experienced at Haden is a part of Megan’s spiritual practice. Her regular contemplative practice includes SoulCollage®, Tarot readings, dream work, walking a labyrinth, mindfulness, and the use of creativity and embodiment practices. She also feels deeply called to the work of sacred activism, a term first learned at Haden, in which we participate in the creation of a new world where the Holy is acknowledged in everything.
Podcast: Good Afternoon: A Invitation to the Contemplative Life
(with Joe Smith, Drew Dunbar, and Megan Lyon)