Rabbi Howard Avruhm Addison, Ph.D., DMin, DD (he/his/him) is an Associate Professor Emeritus, College of Liberal Arts, Temple University and Director, Jewish Spirituality Graduate Programs, Graduate Theological Foundation. Ordained in 1976, Howard served congregations in Chicago, Ft Lauderdale, and Philadelphia during a forty-year rabbinic career. In 2022 he concluded twenty-one years as an Associate Professor for Instruction at Temple University’s Intellectual Heritage Program. A founding teacher of Lev Shomea, the first Jewish Spiritual Direction training institute, he has published five books including The Enneagram and Kabbalah, Jewish Spiritual Direction, and a guide to Interfaith Spiritual Direction, Show Me Your Way. Driven by a desire to explore his dreams, Howard attended his first Summer Dream Conference in 2012 and entered The Haden Institute’s Dream Work training program that Fall. Since completing his training he has been a regular Summer Conference workshop facilitator, dream group leader, and keynoter, exploring the intersection of Dreamwork with Kabbalah, the Enneagram, Ritual, and interfaith traditions of Scriptural Interpretation. Beyond discussion and the didactic, his presentations combine elements of chant, contemplative practice, psychodrama, video montage, and waking dreams. Having lectured across North America, Israel, and Australia, Howard currently teaches a Graduate Theological Foundation tutorial in the Spirituality of Dreams, leads two monthly dream groups in Philadelphia, and serves individual seekers as a Spiritual Director and Dream Guide.